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A member registered Jun 02, 2021

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That’s weird, no one else is reporting that, in fact most people are reporting the opposite, that they wish that existed

WDYM, did it have a bug allowing multiple presses on the next level button at once

It was fine but the amount of damage the enemies did made me feel like i had to play boring as otherwise i died, the sensitivity was also annoying as an accidental full turn was too easy which was very annoying in a map thats all the same texture

I just pretended it was wasd being held by two hands and completed the game very quickly, that stop music was also kind of funny

I'm pretty sure doing this is against the rules

Very nice art but playing this solo is infuriating due to arro's controls and also the fact that the sword always swings from your right which paired with other factors makes you have to walk away from your target to hit it.

Very nice art but playing this solo is infuriating due to arro's controls and also the fact that the sword always swings from your right which paired with other factors makes you have to walk away from your target to hit it.

Crashes when opened

the  F R O G Z O N E